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It's Time

A statement from our Founder/Director regarding COVID-19:

I’m sure by now many of you have heard all about what NOT to do and what is being cancelled/postponed as a result of this outbreak. What I haven’t heard much of is what we CAN do.

I know things are usually tight financially for those of us doing this work, and that things are especially difficult now as we watch our entire livelihoods evaporate before our eyes. But as creatives, we have a unique capability to uplift those around us. What we do brings joy, provokes thought, instills hope, and inspires action.

People of all ages are anxious, lonely, isolated, struggling, and sick. Children are home from school and missing the comfort of their routines. We as a society need the arts now more than ever.

And so I’m here to tell you it’s time. It’s time to pull out all the stops, time for us to do what we do with more ferocity and more purpose than ever before. Time for us to create like our lives depend on it, like someone else’s life depends on it. In times of crisis, the arts rise up out of our collective souls because they are necessary. Like the quarantined singers in Italy, I have no doubt we too will find ways to do the same.

So thank you. Thank you for being you, for persevering, for sharing your talent, and for continuing this important work. As creative professionals, the nature of our work requires that we think differently and engineer unique solutions to novel problems. This is no different, but it will take all of us. It is vital work, and I’m asking you to join me. I’m nervous too. But I believe in the power of what we can do together. It’s time.

Onward in Love and Health,
Karyn Alzayer
President and Executive Director