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Congratulations to our 2021 Artists!

Integral Arts Everett is proud to announce artists have been chosen to be featured in the upcoming Everett Community Art Walk. “We received a stunning array of applications, and we are truly inspired by the level of artistry, hard work, and talent among our applicants. We couldn’t be more proud to showcase their work,” Says Karyn Alzayer, Founder and Board President of Integral Arts Everett. With organizations all across the city ready to host over 40 pieces of artwork, the Everett Community Art Walk is poised to present an engaging art adventure, while showcasing local artists and boosting traffic to local businesses. Artwork will be sprinkled all across the city in local businesses and community organizations, and visitors will be invited to explore the city during the month of October to discover them all. This scavenger hunt exhibit will be free and open to the public, suitable for all ages. The Everett Community Art Walk will feature the work of 17 local artists from local cities ...

Everett Community Art Walk Returns for 2021

It's official! Your favorite city wide month long art scavenger hunt is BACK! Artwork will be placed once again in local businesses and community organizations all across Everett, along with maps to help you explore and find them all. Stay tuned for updates on participating locations, featured artists, and where to get your map. We are currently seeking artists to apply with 2-D works that meet our guidelines . Artists can submit up to 3 pieces for selection. It’s free to apply/participate. We’ll notify you after 9/3 if you’ve been selected.   Apply here

2020 Map and Locations

Find artwork for the Everett Community Art Walk at the following locations: Explore our map by clicking on any entry to see which pieces are featured there. Use it to find all the artwork across the city! Or print our Downloadable Map to take exploring with you. Also be sure to remember to wear your mask! If you can't make it outside though, don't worry! You'll still be able to view all of the artwork in a digital gallery on our website . We hope you'll enjoy safely exploring the city, remotely connecting to local art, and engaging with our community, even when we have to be apart. Share your Community Art Walk selfies with us! Tag us @integralartseverett with #EverettCommunityArtWalk2020 #IntegralArtsEverett and #ArtistsOfEverett and join your fellow Art Walk participants in the fun!

The Everett Community Art Walk is OPEN!

It’s official! The second annual Everett Community Art Walk is OPEN!  Take a socially-distanced walk through Everett’s parks and green spaces to find weatherproof signage which will lead you to more information online. 25 pieces of artwork are on display from 9 local artists, and they’re all waiting for YOU to go find them!  Find our map HERE When you do go out to explore, please be sure to do so responsibly. Wear your mask, stay at least 6 feet from others, and go only with a very small group of your own household members.  Artwork signage will be on display from 10/3-11/6 so you can take your time throughout the month exploring different sections of the city. Be sure to tag us @integralartseverett with #EverettCommunityArtWalk2020 #IntegralArtsEverett and #ArtistsOfEverett and join your fellow Art Walk participants in the fun! See you on the art trail!

Congratulations to our Artists!

 Integral Arts Everett is proud to announce the selected artists for the second annual Everett Community Art Walk.  "Our committee was thrilled to receive such a wide range of media and artwork, and we can't wait to showcase all this fantastic work in October," says Karyn Alzayer, Founder and Board President of Integral Arts Everett.  25 pieces of artwork from 9 local artists will be on display from 10/3-11/6 both virtually and outdoors. Participants are invited to download our online map, explore the city to discover all the artwork locations, and to have their smartphone ready to scan images they find to learn more about each piece and artist. Artwork will be on display online and also printed on weatherproof signage in parks and green spaces all across Everett. We encourage everyone who goes out to take a socially-distant walk in search of artwork to please be sure to wear your mask and keep your distance from others!  The Everett Community Art Walk will feature a...

Everett Community Art Walk 2020 Applications Open

It's official: applications for the Everett Community Art Walk are OPEN! (Though admittedly it will be a different format from last year, since what things might be like in October is totally unpredictable, and our primary goal is to keep visitors, businesses, and workers safe.) Your artwork will be displayed digitally on our website, as well as printed on weatherproof signage for outdoor viewing across the parks and green spaces in Everett, encouraging socially-distant walks in search of artwork throughout the city. We hope to be able to feature YOUR submission! Apply here Wondering how it will all work? Yes, the Everett Community Art Walk will be returning for 2020, but with a twist for our strange, Covid times. Last year, we sent you to local businesses in search of art. This year, we're sending you out to explore the parks and green spaces of Everett! Find our map online (coming soon!) and take a socially-distanced walk to find artwork (printed on weatherproof signage). Sca...

Integral Arts June Updates

Check out some of the local arts-based things going on in and around Everett: Black Lives Matter Integral Arts was proud to witness such a powerful gathering last week at the Moment to Breathe Black Youth Vigil in Glendale Park. We know this work is not just about attending a vigil once in a while though: there is important work to be done in our community and beyond that will take continued engagement from all of us. Here at Integral Arts, we’ll be doing what we do best: listening, amplifying the voices and artistic presence of those around us, and creating more spaces for our community and BIPOC to be heard. Everett Community Art Walk 2020 It’s official! The Everett Community Art Walk returns for 2020! This exhibition will be an online digital format this year as we continue to do everything we can to ensure artists, visitors, participants, businesses, and workers remain as safe as they can be. But this means we can accept digital submissions, video, and photos/video of 3-D work th...